Arizona Online's Marketing team is a small, but experienced team that provides support for all of Arizona Online's programs. From creative campaigns to keyword research, we utilize a number of different approaches to raise awareness for programs and generate leads.
Enrollment Management
The goal for Arizona Online's website is to urge prospective students to fill out a request for information (RFI). These RFIs gather contact information and program interest data that allows our enrollment team to make contact and begin the application process.
Student Success
Once our Enrollment Counselors have guided prospective students through the funnel, they are passed along to our team of internal Student Academic Success Specialists (SASS). These advisors act as a "one-stop-shop" for the students, providing access to resources, planning classes, and supporting them through until graduation.
Corporate Partnerships
The Arizona Online Corporate Initiative provides a direct enrollment channel to working adults on a regional, national, and international level and capitalizes on existing tuition assistance programs within organizations, which combined with tuition reductions create strong incentive for enrollment. The corporate initiative extends the UA brand beyond physical barriers of Tucson through association with prominent local, regional and national companies.
Program Resources
Our program operations team offers concierge-style support to provide market analysis, course development support and program guidance from conception to launch, with the help of a dedicated program manager.